9 फ़र॰ 2012

यूपी चुनाव पर IBN7 का खास कार्यक्रम बुधवार को पहुंचा फतेहपुर में


IBN7 के कार्यक्रम में मंच पर बाएं से क्रमशः जहानाबाद के विधायक आदित्य पाण्डेय, फतेहपुर सदर के विधायक राधेश्याम गुप्त, फतेहपुर सदर से समाजवादी पार्टी के उम्मीदवार कासिम हसन  और अंत में फतेहपुर सदर से कांग्रेस के उम्मीदवार राजेन्द्र लोधी 
यूपी चुनाव पर IBN7 का खास कार्यक्रम बुधवार को पहुंचा फतेहपुर में। फतेहपुर को आज भी विकास की वह रफ्तार नहीं मिल सकी है जो मिलनी चाहिए थी।

10 टिप्‍पणियां:
Write टिप्पणियाँ
  1. बसपा का कोए भी प्रत्याशी इस प्रोग्राम मे नहीं पहुँचा शायद जनता के सवालो का कोई जवाब उनके पास नहीं था इसी डर की वजह से इस प्रोग्राम का हिस्सा नहीं बने|

    जवाब देंहटाएं
  2. Hi,
    I know Praveen though internet only. I have never met him. But i hats off the efforts, he is doing.
    I am sorry as i can not type in Hindi. I born & brought up in Fatehpur (U.P). Now, i live in Stockholm, Sweden (Europe). I left fatehpur in year 1997 & have been there recently 1 years back in my friends wedding.
    Fatehpur was still same as i have left in 1997. No progress, no development, the only thing which has been changed, is crowd.
    Today, i saw this video & realized the city in same shape again & concluded that the People from Fatehpur are the main reason behind this. People don't want to change their selves. They knew that the MLA is corrupt & these Neta's are doing nuts for the development of their city but still they are divided in Cast-ism, Religion based politics. What i know is that the MLA is ruling from last 15 years. But i wanted to know what makes you feel that he should win election in every 5 years. I know its only Hindusm...... what about the development of the city, yourself, your kids, industries & education in city.
    I would never blame these Neta's for the current condition of Fatehpur. This is the people from Fatehpur who are actually to be blame.

    People, i would suggest you that This is the right time to raise your hand & to screw these corrupt Netas & parties. Know the value of your Votes & change the face of the city.

    No other option....!
    I wish for the bright future of fatehpur & hope that people will get to know there values & there Votes value.

    Thanks reading this.

    Rohit Singh.

    Hydel Colony

    जवाब देंहटाएं
  3. Ye sab chor log ek sath ek platform pe kasie aane ko raaji ho gye..Fatehpur is among most under developed district of India. seriously dekh k bahut dukh hota h.

    जवाब देंहटाएं
  4. हमाम में सभी नंगे हैं और चोर-चोर मौसेरे भाई हैं इसीलिए आज सभी एक साथ हैं !

    जवाब देंहटाएं
    1. कम शब्‍दों में सही जानकरी आप द्वारा दी गयी है

  5. Here non one is saying the major problems of fatehpur.

    1. Draining system in fatehpur.
    2. there is no one for solving the issues of problems of people of fatehpur.
    3. train avalibility in fatehpur for Mumbai and other Major station.
    4. Higher studies colleges.

    जवाब देंहटाएं
  6. Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "यूपी चुनाव पर IBN7 का खास कार्यक्रम बुधवार को पहुंचा फतेहपुर में":

    I know Praveen though internet only. I have never met him. But i hats off the efforts, he is doing.
    I am sorry as i can not type in Hindi. I born & brought up in Fatehpur (U.P). Now, i live in Stockholm, Sweden (Europe). I left fatehpur in year 1997 & have been there recently 1 years back in my friends wedding.
    Fatehpur was still same as i have left in 1997. No progress, no development, the only thing which has been changed, is crowd.
    Today, i saw this video & realized the city in same shape again & concluded that the People from Fatehpur are the main reason behind this. People don't want to change their selves. They knew that the MLA is corrupt & these Neta's are doing nuts for the development of their city but still they are divided in Cast-ism, Religion based politics. What i know is that the MLA is ruling from last 15 years. But i wanted to know what makes you feel that he should win election in every 5 years. I know its only Hindusm...... what about the development of the city, yourself, your kids, industries & education in city.
    I would never blame these Neta's for the current condition of Fatehpur. This is the people from Fatehpur who are actually to be blame.

    People, i would suggest you that This is the right time to raise your hand & to screw these corrupt Netas & parties. Know the value of your Votes & change the face of the city.

    No other option....!
    I wish for the bright future of fatehpur & hope that people will get to know there values & there Votes value.

    Thanks reading this.

    Rohit Singh.
    Hydel Colony

    जवाब देंहटाएं
  7. आज जागरूकता की कमी चारो तरफ दिखाई पड़ती है, आई बी एन ७ का कम तो ठीक है ही, लेकिन सबसे सराहनीय कम आपने किया ही. इस साक्षात्कार को ब्लॉग में स्थान देकर. फतेहपुर में जो हो रहा है, वही पुरे देश में हो रहा है, कुछ नया तो नहीं है यह. राजनीति के नाम पर व्यवसाय कर रहे हैं धनाढ्य लोग. लेकिन क्या इसके जिम्मेदार सिर्फ वही हैं. अगर जनसेवा का जज्बा लेकर कोई गरीब चुनाव के मैदान में उतरे, तो कितने वोट मिलेंगे उसे. देश-समाज में यदि हम वास्तविक लोकतंत्र चाहते हैं, तो इसके लिए हमें मन से प्रयास करने होंगे, आपसी स्वार्थों को छोड़कर.

    जवाब देंहटाएं